Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 317

Students with Severe (Anaphylactic) Allergies


The Lloydminster Public School Division recognizes the dangers faced by students with severe or anaphylactic reactions (allergies).  While the Lloydminster Public School Division cannot guarantee an allergen free environment, the Lloydminster Public School Division will take reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment for children with life threatening allergies.

The responsibility for communicating concerns about students with severe or anaphylactic reactions to foods belongs to parents/caregivers and to the students themselves, depending on the student’s age and maturity.

Schools have a supportive role to play in helping parents/caregivers of students with severe allergies avoid exposure to preidentified allergens while the student is at school.


  1. Parents/Caregivers of students with severe allergies must:
    1. Advise the Principal and home room teacher about the student’s severe allergy when the allergy is diagnosed, at the beginning of each school year, or when the student changes schools;
    2. Provide and keep emergency information current;
    3. Submit Parent/Caregiver Authorization for Health Care at School Form (F 316-1). A letter to the Doctor Regarding Medication Form (F 316-2), provided by the school, completed by a medical doctor, must support this request from the home.
    4. Submit Health Services Plan Form (F 316-5) completed by the doctor.
    5. Provide the student with a case containing at least one (1) in-date (unexpired) auto-injector or other medication as prescribed by a doctor, and ensure that the student has the auto-injector or medication readily available, while at school, or on offsite school activities;
    6. Provide snacks and lunches for the student; and
    7. Provide the student with a Medic Alert bracelet or other suitable identification. 
  2. The Principal must:
    1. Advise the parents/caregivers of the student with severe allergies of this procedure and provide them with a copy and advise them where all Administrative Procedures can be accessed online;
    2. Ensure that the student’s allergy information is indicated in the Student Information System (SIS);
    3. Request signed authorization to administer medication by completing Record of Health Care Interventions Form (F 316-4);
    4. Advise all staff members of students who have potentially life threatening allergies as soon as possible;
    5. Request the consent of the parent/caregiver to post a student’s picture and display the emergency care plan;
    6. Ensure that an emergency plan is developed and Child Specific Emergency Plan Form (F 316-6) for each student with severe allergies is completed, in cooperation with the parents/caregivers. The plan must include emergency contact information and procedures; and,
    7. Ensure that the emergency plan is kept in a readily accessible location at the school and that all staff are aware of the plan.
    8. Develop a plan to have allergen free areas as needed.
  3. Classroom teachers of a student with a severe allergy must:
    1. In age appropriate terms, discuss anaphylaxis with the class. All classmates should know and understand the nature of the specific allergen for the identified student;
    2. Avoid allergenic foods and substances for classroom events and activities;
    3. Communicate the restriction of allergens information with other parents/caregivers with children in the class;
    4. Leave information about students with severe allergies in an organized, prominent, and accessible format for substitute teachers;
    5. Ensure the emergency response protocol and appropriate medication is taken on off-site activities; and, 
  4. Allergy Avoidance Strategies 
    1. Ingredients on food brought in or prepared for special events and activities, by the school community, prepared and served in school cafeteria, or provided by catering companies cannot be guaranteed to be safe. Therefore, students with severe allergies must:
      1. Eat only foods brought from home, unless authorized by the parents/caregivers in writing; food for school annual events and hot lunches will be included in general parent/caregiver information regarding the event;
      2. Learn to recognize symptoms of a severe allergic reaction; 
      3. Promptly inform a teacher or an adult as soon as accidental ingestion or exposure to an allergen occurs or symptoms of a severe allergic reaction appear;
      4. Keep an auto-injector or medication handy at all times; and
      5. When age appropriate, know how to use an auto-injector or take medication.
  5. Location of Auto-injectors
    1. Auto-injectors should be kept in a secure unlocked area, for quick access. Although epinephrine is not a dangerous drug, the sharp needle of the auto-injectors can cause injury.
    2. As soon as they are old enough, students should carry their own auto-injectors.
    3. All staff should know the location of the auto-injectors. Classmates should be aware of the location of the auto-injector in the classroom.
  6. Training 
    1. The Principal shall ensure that annually, inservice is provided to school
      personnel, where students prone to anaphylaxis are enrolled, on how to recognize
      and treat anaphylactic reaction
  7. Review Process 
    1. School emergency procedures for each anaphylactic student should be reviewed annually with
      staff and parents/caregivers.  In the event of an emergency response, an immediate evaluation of the procedure should be undertaken.


Anaphylactic reactions - are those severe allergy reactions that are life threatening and require
                                        immediate medical attention.  An EpiPen® or a EpiPen Jr®
                                        injection will offer up to fifteen (15) minutes time to get the affected
                                        person to emergency care at a hospital.

Section 85, 87, 175, 188, 190 Education Act, 1995
Emergency Medical Aid Act 
Anaphylaxis in Schools and Other Child Care Settings by Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2005 (www.csaci.ca/schools.html)

April 2018
August 2023