Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 160

Health and Safety of Students and Staff


The Division is committed to providing a safe and healthy study and work environment for its students, staff members, volunteers and the general public.


  1. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations, all staff members have the responsibility to ensure the health and safety of students, themselves and their colleagues.
    1. All Division administrators, staff and contractors shall comply with Health and Safety legislation.
    2. All Division personnel and contractors shall comply with WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) standards.
    3. All Division personnel and contractors who, as a part of their duties, either use or may be exposed to hazardous chemicals shall take a WHMIS training session.
    4. All students in laboratory courses shall have a safety training session.
  2. The establishment and maintenance of safe learning and working conditions is to be a primary consideration for supervisors and staff.
    1. Each school shall develop procedures that prescribe the rules of safe operation of all laboratories within the school. Such procedures shall address:
      1. Safe and secure storage, annual checking, and disposal, where needed, of chemicals;
      2. WHMIS labeling of all chemicals;
      3. Safe and secure storage and use of laboratory equipment;
      4. Safe use of natural gas and security when gas is not in use;
      5. Appropriate teacher supervision of students in all laboratory activities;
      6. The training of staff in the use and maintenance of safety equipment, and the use and hazards of any equipment or chemicals they may use as well as the safety requirements of any procedure or activity they may use;
      7. The training of students in any safety procedures relevant to the work they are doing; and
      8. Any other measures required to ensure the safety of students and staff in any school laboratory.
  3. The development and implementation of safety and accident prevention programs is mandatory in order to develop a learning and working environment that promotes health and safety.
  4. The provision of instruction and training to students and staff is essential in order to encourage safe working practices and to ensure appropriate response in the event of an accident.
    1. In order to ensure that there are staff members proficient in administering First Aid, the Division encourages staff members to take certified First Aid training.
    2. Upon prior approval and the successful completion of a certified First Aid course, the Division will reimburse the staff member’s registration fee. This will be paid through professional development allotments.
    3. Teachers shall immediately report to the Principal or designate any accident or illness which occurs to a student in their care.
    4. When a student requires medical treatment, the parents shall be informed and requested to take their child for necessary medical attention.
    5. When the parents or guardians cannot be contacted, the Principal shall arrange for necessary medical treatment.
    6. No sick or injured student shall be sent home alone unless prior permission is received from the parent.
    7. When a student is injured while attending school or during a school sponsored activity, the Principal shall set forth all details of the accident, including the actions taken, on the prescribed accident form. One copy of the form is to be sent to the Superintendent of Administration and a copy retained in the school file.
    8. Any staff member covered by worker’s compensation who is injured while carrying out his/her duties to the Division shall, within the specified time, fill out any forms required under Worker’s Compensation.
    9. Any staff member not covered under Worker’s Compensation shall report to their immediate supervisor any injury caused by an accident while carrying out their duties to the Division. The supervisor shall report such accident injury to the Superintendent of Administration.
    10. The application of Universal Precautions, meaning the application of strategies for isolation precautions to prevent the spread of blood-borne infections by applying Blood and Body Fluid precautions universally to all persons regardless of their presumed infection status, is mandatory for all staff members.
    11. Universal Precautions in a school setting shall apply to isolation of all moist and potentially infectious body substances (blood, feces, urine, sputum, saliva, wound drainage, and other body fluids) from all persons regardless of their presumed infection status through the use of protective gloves.
    12. Staff members shall put on clean protective gloves just before contact with mucous membranes, non-intact skin and for anticipated contact with moist body substances. Remove protective gloves promptly after use, before handling non-contaminated items or environmental surfaces and wash hands immediately to avoid transfer of micro-organisms to others or environments.
    13. The Principal or central office administrator shall ensure that an adequate supply of protective gloves is available to all staff members and that all staff members have knowledge of storage locations and easy access to the protective gloves.
    14. Schools shall ensure that procedures are developed for the application of Universal Precautions in their work environment.
  5. Staff members and students are required to comply with the provisions of the Public Health Act and the Communicable Diseases Regulations.
    1. When a Principal or central office administrator is made aware that a student, staff member or contractor may be infected with a communicable disease as defined in the Communicable Diseases Regulations, the following action shall be taken:
      1. Arrange for the isolation or return to their home of the student or staff member as prescribed in the Communicable Diseases Regulations;
      2. Notify the medical officer of health as prescribed in the Public Health Act; and
      3. Notify the Director or designate.
  6. The Health and Safety of Students and Staff administrative procedure shall take precedence in the application of any procedures in matters of health and safety.


Section 85, 87, 108, 109, Education Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Public Health Act


April 14, 2009


June 2009
November 2013
December 2014
February 2018