Lloydminister Public School Division

780-875-5541 Fax: 780-875-7829

5017 46 Street
Lloydminster, Alberta T9V 1R4

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 120

Policy and Procedure Dissemination


The Director of Education has been given the responsibility for implementing Board policy and Administrative Procedures, which includes maintaining the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative Procedures Manual and their dissemination to the appropriate members of the Lloydminster Public School Division.


  1. The Director of Education will ensure that the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative
    Procedures Manual will be available on the Lloydminster Public School Division web page so
    that all trustees, employees, students, parents/caregivers, and the general public have ready
    access to all Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.
  2. When updates to the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative Procedures Manual are
    made, the Director of Education will ensure that Superintendents,
    managers, and Principals are advised in a timely manner.  These individuals are responsible to
    advise the appropriate education stakeholders as required.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Principal to:
    1. Convey to and interpret policy and Administrative Procedures for the school staff;
    2. Ensure updated copies of policies and Administrative Procedures are readily
        available in the school.

Section 85, 175, Education Act, 1995

April 14, 2009

June 2009
November 2013
November 2017
August 2023